Electric drainage
Polarized Resistor Drainage Station DRP-М1 serves to protect the metallic facilities and utilities against corrosion impact underground, in the areas with stray currents from rail DC transport (trams, tube, trains).
Cathodic Protection Stations
Cathodic Protection Station (SKZ) is equipment to protect underground metallic facilities against electrochemical corrosion. It is a machine to convert current – when the necessary parameters are reached, the converted current changes the potential of the protected metal, thus turning it into a cathode together with a grounding electrode. Stations SKZ are mounted along the pipeline routes.
Test Stations KIP are used to monitor (control) the parameters of electrochemical protection and to label pipeline routes. They provide access to the conductors when measuring the polarized and differential potentials of the facilities buried in soil and protect these facilities from corrosion. Troubleshooting devices from the protected underground metallic structures are connected to KIP.L to control the parameters.
Diode resistive unit
Polarized Resistor Drainage Station DRP-М1 serves to protect the metallic facilities and utilities against corrosion impact underground, in the areas with stray currents from rail DC transport (trams, tube, trains).
Low Voltage Distribution Station for Cathodic Protection is used in cathodic protection systems of underground metallic (steel) facilities (UMF), such as gas, oil, product pipelines, utilities and other types of underground constructions, to protect them against electrochemical (soil) corrosion and destructive impact of the stray currents from rail electric vehicles and other power facilities. The stations are designed to be installed in the open air.
Анодные заземлители
Grounding Anode is one of the key elements of cathodic protection system. It is connected to positive terminals of current source, thus the protecting current directs into the coils. The anodes are sacrificial to preserve the metal of the protected structures.
Thermite Welding
Thermite welding of electrochemical protection cables involves the usage of copper thermomixtures, soldering welding rods, thermocrayons together with the graphite melting molds which are authorized to be used on hazardous sites.
Shelter protective
Protecting Cover for Water Tight Neck Gasket UZMG is used for extra protection of Water Tight Gasket MG from damages and is put in the protecting casing. The product protects the Gasket from impacts, soil pressure from filling a trench while repairing, during construction and maintenance of the pipeline crossing.
Dielectric rings
Dielectric Ring Spacer has two or three segments and isolates two pipes from each other. Ring segments are drawn together with screws. The Ring is corrosion, pressure, and impact resistance. Delivery package includes ring segments, joining and fixing metal ware, documents. The number of segments and metal ware depend on the diameter of the carrier pipe where the ring is installed.
Guide rings
Guide Rings are the back-up rings for the pipes used in putting metal pipeline crossings in protective casing under highways, railways or through natural barriers. They are also used in putting oil, gas, kerosene pipelines of airports, oil field pipelines, water pipelines and other utilities.
Cuff rubber
Neck Gasket TIP-2 is used to seal the area between the carrier pipe with 108-1,420 mm diameter of the main pipeline and the protective casing. It is used in the crossings under roads, railway, and other utilities and constructions at —60 °С — +50 °С in all climatic zones.
Magnesium protectors PM 15-80
Magnesium Anodes PM are used to protect the underground metallic elements of the buildings and constructions against corrosion caused by the stray soil currents. It is recommended to use these anodes in high corrosion aggressivity soils, as well as in case of detecting corrosion spots on the surface of an underground metal facility.
Reference electrode
Copper-Sulphate Reference Electrode is used to measure the potential difference between a cathodic protection station and a protected metallic object.
Underground Magnetite anodes
Underground Anode МТ (Magnetite) is a low-solubility element of anodic grounding in the cathodic protection system to protect against corrosion impact on the main pipelines and other metallic underground structures. The device can be exploited in any soil climatic conditions at the ambient temperature 0 — +60°C.
Corrosion sensor
Sensor DSK is used to define corrosiveness degree of soil, underground water in connection with the underground steel facilities, pipelines and reservoirs. This device troubleshoots and then forecasts corrosive condition of the outer surface of the underground steel facilities and utilities.
Magnesium anodes
A Magnesium Anode is a product used in electrochemical protection systems as a donor for the protected object: it turns potential difference turns it into an anode in a galvanic couple, thus the anode suffers from corrosive destruction, while a metal facility restores.
Extended grounding anode
Extended Grounding Anode Rod MP is an element of cathodic protection system to shield the corrosion impact on the reservoirs, main pipelines and other metallic facilities exploited underground and is used as a low-solubility element of extended anodic earthing.