Magnesium Anode PM is used in cathodic protection systems to prevent the corrosion of the reservoirs, pipelines and other metallic underground and underwater construction parts. Service life of the product is 5 – 10 years. Life cycle of the protector body till its complete exhaustion mainly depends on its weight and the aggressivity degree of the environment.
Magnesium Anodes PM-5U, PM-10U, PM-20U are budget means to increase the corrosion resistance. They are very effective with soil resistance at less than 50 Om/m. Electrochemical capacity of the Magnesium Anodes is from 1,100 to 2,200 А·h/kg.

The Anode works longer and more effectively with low transition resistance between the Anode itself and soil. To achieve this, the Anode is placed together with powder carbonaceous backfill in a cotton bag and then in soil. The backfill helps to achieve more time stable and high potential of Anodes, long-lasting films are removed from the surface of the product, the anode is more evenly dissolved, the value of “protector-soil” transition resistance decreases.
The carbonaceous backfill consists of 1/4 epsomite, 1/4 gypsum building plaster and 1/2 bentonite clay. The anode is placed in a paper bag too to transport it to the operation site and for storage.
Along the routes the Anodes are installed at the distance of about 5 m from the route one by one or in groups of 5-15 items. The amount of the products used depends on the length of the pipeline, aggressivity nature of the medium and anode weight. The latter protects a 1,000-2,000 m long pipeline part on average.
EHZ-CENTER offers the following types of products PM: Anode PM-5U with 5 kg weight, Anode PM-10U with 10 kg weight, Anode PM-20U with 20 kg weight. The products are used for corrosion protection of the underground oil, gas pipelines, lower parts of the ships, constructions in water, inner surfaces of the ship tanks and reservoirs.
A guide price for the Anodes PM-5U, PM-10U, PM-20U is from ₽ 3,100. Check the price and leave your request at 8-800-250-11-83 or send a request at
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