Pipelines and other metallic underground constructions suffer from corrosion impact. To stop the corrosion-caused destruction and to increase the service life of these facilities, Cathodic Protection Stations (SKZ) are used.
Electrochemical Protection Station (UKZT) is a set of devices for external current cathodic polarization of the protected facilities. It generates direct current with the necessary parameters or converts the alternative current and forms circuits polarizing man-made anodes and providing electrochemical protection to metallic structures. You can buy Cathodic Protection Stations for a gas pipeline and other underground pipelines at EHZ-CENTER.
Cathodic Protection Devices (UKZ) consists of a station, drainage line, cables, devices and anodic grounding. They can operate in the following mode:
- manual or remote control of the output voltage parameters;
- automatic maintenance of the protective current, polarized or total potential.
Equipment configuration depends on an operating mode. The Station is able to perform many tasks automatically, including:
- maintaining the potential difference at the required values;
- returning to the required mode after recovery from the circuit break;
- switching to total potential maintenance at the break in potential sensor circuit and recovering the specified parameters to stabilize the polarized potential following circuit restoration;
- returning to an operating mode after load current breakage and its recovery, as well as after shorts and removal in load.
Besides, the prices on the equipment pay back due to their feature to increase the output capacity thanks to connecting additional modules, to providing the protection from thunder, to regard separately the working time and runtime, and many others.
Purchase at the best price
Contact EHZ-CENTER and buy UKZТ of the required configuration on the best terms. The stations are supplied with the necessary certificates and permitting documents. The consultants of the company are ready to answer any questions.
Check the price for the Cathodic Protection Stations for gas pipeline and order them by filling in a request on-line or by calling at the phone number given on the website.
Строительство, монтаж и ввод в эксплуатацию всех видов средств электрохимической защиты. Специалисты двух мобильных бригад компании выполняют полный комплекс строительных, монтажных и пуско-наладочных работ. Сдача объектов электрохимической защиты в эксплуатацию, прокладка кабельных линий и устройство инженерных сетей под ключ.
Строительство ЭХЗ, монтаж установок дренажной защиты, протекторной защиты, протяженные (эластомеры) электроды типа ЭЛЭР и другое.
Правильно смонтированная катодная и протекторная защита позволяет значительно (в несколько раз) увеличить срок службы трубопровода.
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