Zinc Anode is used to protect those parts of ship hull which are below waterline, internal surfaces of reservoirs, tanks, separate metallic structures and constructions, as well as gas, oil and petrol pipelines used in sea water against corrosion.
Zinc Anodes are often used to protect the facilities from sea corrosion, because in case of fresh, slightly salted water or soils they are covered with oxide and hydroxide layer.
Marine and fishing fleets, ship building, oil extracting, oil, gas industries and utilities are the main application areas for the protectors from alloys of zinc with alloying elements.
Advantages of Zinc Anodes
The usage of Anodes from TsP1, TsP2 alloys in a multi-sided protection system prolongs the service life of the protected facilities up to 20-30 years, which significantly reduces the maintenance costs. To increase its efficiency, a Zinc Anode is placed in a special filler – mixture of salts on clay and gypsum powder basis.
With anode dissolution these protectors do not form any wastes which pollute the environment, i.e. it is eco-friendly.
Zinc Anodes for corrosion comparison are explosion-proof and inflammable and in comparison with the magnesium and aluminum alloyed Anodes. Only zinc and its alloys (from raw materials) do not produce flakes of fire with impacts.
Anode dissolution of aluminum and magnesium alloys produces hydrogen. Therefore, zinc alloyed products are used to protect in narrow, close, and water tight spaces. Only Zinc Anodes can efficiently protect the internal surfaces of cargo and ballast tanks of oil ships.
EHZ-CENTER offers Zinc Anodes manufactured in accordance with the standards. The products offered by EHZ-CENTER are known for their hight quality, meet the requirements for the most critical sites.
Check the price for Zinc Anodes P-KOTs-5, P-KOTs-10, P-KOTs-15, P-KOTs-18, P-KOTs-36 and leave your request at 8-800-250-11-83 or send a request at
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