Guide Rings are the back-up rings for the pipes used in putting metal pipeline crossings in protective casing under highways, railways or through natural barriers. They are also used in putting oil, gas, kerosene pipelines of airports, oil field pipelines, water pipelines and other utilities. EHZ-CENTER offers the best prices for Guide Rings for pipes.
Guide Rings consist of two or three metal segments equipped with dielectric back-up elements. The segments are jointed with screws and nuts. The process of pulling a pipe in the casing becomes easier due to a dielectric insertion. Besides, a dielectric serves to be an insulator preventing the contact between the casing and a pipe.
Guide Rings are manufactured in accordance with quality standards. They protect the metal pipe insulation mechanically and have the following advantages:
- they are resistant to chemical corrosion;
- they are resistant to thermal ups and downs, mechanical impact and pressure;
- they can be used at the temperature range from −40°С to +50°С;
- they can be used in any climatic zone;
- they are manufactured in 20 sizes.
The design of these rings is aimed to solve three tasks: to protect a facility from high loads, to function as a dielectric insulation of a pipeline, to secure a pipe in a casing at particular places.
Prior your purchase it is necessary to know the required dimensions. For example, the products can have a diameter of 137-1642 mm, a width of 76 – 250 mm, minimum and maximum weight of 0.8 and 44.7 kg. In your choice please consider the sizes of the pipeline.
Order and Deliver Guide Rings at Best Price
In EHZ-CENTER you can buy these products at the best terms. We have certified products which can be delivered in any region of the world. The orders are fulfilled in no time as all products are readily available in our warehouses.
Check the price for Guide Rings ONK or order them by filling in a request form on the website or call us at phone number.
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