Carbonaceous Backfill КМА

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Description Specifications Installation
Carbonaceous Backfill КМА provides a stable work for the electrochemical protection system. It serves to fill the area around the electrodes which are a part of anodic grounding in cathodic protection systems against corrosion of metallic underground facilities. It is used in any soil and climatic conditions. A backfill is recommended to be used in highly resistant (more than 30 Оm*m) soils.

Specifications of Carbonaceous Backfill

Patented КМА is:
  • a mixture of 1:1 substances: fines of 10 mm coke fractions and coke with 10-25 mm particles;
  • mineral halogen free backfill.
Carbonaceous Backfill resistance is 0.03 – 0.06 Оm*m. Backfill manufacturing, intended use and its distribution are certified by the experts of sanitary and epidemiological inspection (control) bodies. The usage of КМА as a filler for near anode area in the acting grounding system gives a number of advantages:
  • transition resistance between anode and soil decreases;
  • near anode area is drainaged;
  • electrode dissolution rate decreases, thus the period of electrode usage extends;
  • the area of current giving area expands.

КМА Delivery Package

  • Carbonaceous Backfill is delivered in 50-liter sacks. In this case the weight of a sack is 40 ± 1 kilos.
  • One sack of КМА can be used for one electrode of surface grounding ММ.
  • One delivery set can contain 20 sacks of backfill. For example, this number of sacks is used for one section of underground grounding MG.
EHZ-CENTER offers to buy Carbonaceous Backfill КМА which is GOST R certified, GASPROMSERT certified on a voluntary basis and approved by the sanitary and epidemiological inspection bodies. Check the price for Carbonaceous Backfill КМА by 8-800-250-11-83. You can also send a request at an email address. A guide price for Carbonaceous Backfill КМА is from ₽ 28.7 / kg. Check the price and leave your request at 8-800-250-11-83 or send a request at
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