Extended Grounding Anode Rod

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Description Specifications Installation
Extended Grounding Anode Rod MP is an element of cathodic protection system to shield the corrosion impact on the reservoirs, main pipelines and other metallic facilities exploited underground and is used as a low-solubility element of extended anodic earthing. The most effective areas to use Grounding Anode Rod are the underground reservoir parts, industrial sites and main pipeline systems. The products are used in rocky, sandy and permanently frozen soils, that is in high-resistance soils. The Extended Grounding Anode Rods are installed parallel to a protected object. The factory length of the anodes can be custom designed.

Features of Grounding Anode Rod MP

Extended Grounding Anode Rod MP has three configurations with difference in the maximum linear current density (maximum removed current load): grounding electrodes of 50 mА/linear meter, 150 mА/linear meter and 300 mА/linear meter. Current carrying cable in a chemically resistant insulation and a low-solubility electrode are protected by carbonaceous backfill. Corrosion resistant electrode is covered with electrochemically active mixed metallic oxide ММО. Along its length the electrode has a distributed current supply. Current is supplied through connecting cables. The operating element (electrode) of the grounding anode rod can have one or two connecting cables depending on its design. The length of the cables is customized. Grounding anode design presupposes the electrode to be put in the horizontal directional drilling wells. Anodic grounding should be installed underground and on the surface. Grounding anodes work below the soil freezing depth point in any soil climatic conditions at the ambient temperature −10°C — +60°C at the installation site. EHZ-CENTER offers GOST R and GASPROMSERT certified Extended Grounding Anode Rods MP at the best price. Delivery period is one week. A guide price for Extended Grounding Anode Rod is from ₽ 800 / m. Check the price and leave your request at 8-800-250-11-83 or send a request at exportehz@gmail.com.
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