Protecting Cover for Water Tight Neck Gasket UZMG

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Description Specifications Installation
Protecting Cover for Water Tight Neck Gasket UZMG is used for extra protection of Water Tight Gasket MG from damages and is put in the protecting casing. The product protects the Gasket from impacts, soil pressure from filling a trench while repairing, during construction and maintenance of the pipeline crossing. This Protecting Cover for Water Tight Neck Gasket also provides the protection of the Gasket from solar radiation, accidental opening of the inter pipe area when the crossing under the highways and railway roads comes out to the ground surface. The Protecting Cover is mounted over the Water Tight Gaskets at both ends of the protecting casing.

UZMG Features

UZMG is a fiber-glass assembled casing with at least 3 mm thickness. Fiber-glass flanges and rings are molded from fiber glass (GOST 19170) saturated with polyester resin. The product of HLZ type is used at −60°С — +70°С. Prior its mounting the product is visually inspected for damages caused by the delivery. Fiber glass elements with mechanical damages corrupting the integrity of the flanges, ring, casing are forbidden to be assembled. UZMG is mounted after a neck gasket is installed. UZMG is maintained in accordance with the acting technical conditions, installation guidelines, main gas pipeline maintenance rules and other current regulatory documents. During pipeline crossing maintenance, the cover of the rubber neck gasket should:
  • withstand significant mechanical loads from soil pressure, groundwater dam;
  • withstand the movements along the axis and in radial directions which occur in a gas pipeline from changes in gas conditions by temperature and pressure.
UZMG can be used in pipeline underground crossing at the temperature of the pipe transported product of max +70°С. EHZ-CENTER offers to buy Protecting Cover for Water Tight Neck Gasket. A guide price for Protecting Cover for Water Tight Neck Gaskets is from ₽ 6,900. Check the price and leave your request at 8-800-250-11-83 or send a request at
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